No I haven't fallen off the perch but have been in a cyber abyss. Our computer was having a major hissy fit and had to be reformatted which seemed to take forever, but I'm back with lots of news.
The Glenbrook Cocktail Quilters weekend to Bowral was a huge success and here we are on the front steps of "Links House" the weather was sunny and cold, the food was good and the company was charming as always.

Saturday night saw the unveiling of the quilts above is Glenys, Meaghan and Colleen.

Deb and Pam

Trish , Nikki and Cath enjoying a laugh

Rhonda and Di having a good time as always

Nan, Marg and Marlene

Chris, Joan and Sharon

Wendy and Heather

Sharon and Sandy

Sandy and Gail on the steps of Centennial Winery which was our Friday lunch venue

Gail's lovely quilt which was one of the viewers choice winners.

Hawaiian beauty

Sharon's quilt, she had started an winding ways quilt like mine but decided straight seams are quicker, another winner on the night.

Sandy's quilt which I was quilting the week before actually won a quilting prize so I was a grinner.

Rhonda's quilt won for best piecing.

There are quite a few Japanese quilt fans in our group as you can see.
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